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Williams Luxury Homes Welcomes Jacquilyn Mata

Williams Luxury Homes Adds Passionate New Member!

WLH: Welcome to Williams Luxury Homes Jacquilyn!

JM: I'm grateful to be part of the WLH Squad.

WLH: Tell us your three biggest passions for helping people in luxury real estate.

JM: I have long-term experience in luxury marketing, I don't like seeing people getting taken advantage of, and I love helping helping high-expectation clientele.

WLH: Stop. What about helping high-expectation individuals.

JM: I love protecting their privacy and helping them with their own needs. Those with assets tend to have busy schedules and I love earning their trust.


LH: Hence why we brought you on. Aaron Auxier, our Celeb & Sports Division's President, always emphasizes PRIVACY. How do specifically you build trust?

JM: I don't have a specific formula, my clients have always told me they can tell I have their best interests in mind.

WLH: Not everyone has that aura, kudos, it's super important in what we do!

JM: Thank you.

WLH: Before we end this quick update, would you like to tell us about your beautiful family?

JM: My husband Kale and I have been married since December 2018 and have a 13-month old baby boy. He's curious about everything and quite funny!

WLH: Thanks for sharing Jacquilyn!

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